Optimist Film's British comedy drama, Flirting with Flamenco, has been selected for screening at this years 26th Cambridge Film Festival, marking the second year running that a movie produced by Cambridge graduate Neville Raschid backed by the Emerging Talent Film Partnership, has been chosen.
Flirting with Flamenco's appearance follows that of the company's first title, Lost Dogs back in 2005, and debuts at the festival several months prior to its autumn release across regional digital theatres throughout the UK.
The film centres around 'plain Jane' Sylvia, a women chronically lacking in self-confidence splitting her life between her family and the call centre she works at for the monstrous Bowker and his executive assistant Karen.
Sylvia's life changes suddenly after spotting the gorgeous Pablo strutting his stuff at a Flamenco demo and passion in Perivale blossoms. The film's main case includes; Jeremy Edwards - Hollyoaks, Tom Watt - East Enders, Elize du Toit - Hollyoaks and Holly Davidson - Casualty.
Neville Raschid, Optimist Films director, commented: "Being invited to screen a movie for the second time running by one of the country's best and most respected film festivals is amazing - a true testament to all those involved."
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