Stanley Park is a new comedy drama pilot on BBC Three, written & created by Leo Richardson and directed by Misha Manson-Smith (LALA Land and High Spirits with Shirley Ghostman). Stanley Park stars comedian Morwenna Banks (Saxondale) and Antonia Thomas (who played Alisha in E4's comedy drama Misfits).
Set in a south London suburb, the show follows young friends enduring the poignant and often hilarious emotional upheavals during a life-changing period. All living on the same street, it's hard to really keep secrets, and it seems everyone has something they're hiding, or hiding from.
First there's “Dirty” Debbie (Holliday Grainger), a sassy fashion designer and self-proclaimed ‘Carrie Bradshaw of Croydon’ who, from the moment she arrived to live with gin swigging, Superking smoker and serial internet dater, Auntie Pat (Sharon Horgan writer and star of BBC’s Pulling), knew the place had trouble written all over it. And she wasn’t wrong. Debbie's outfits are as outrageous as the erotic fiction she writes and no man can resist her charms but, across the road, there's competition in the form of emo, Raggedy Ann (Jennie Jacques - Desperate Romantics, Shank), who claims she was a bohemian poet in her past life.
Then there's “Bent” Ben - Ann’s fabulous, Beyonce-loving best friend who is always on hand to provide a shoulder to cry on and a constant source of advice, but who could do well to counsel himself occasionally. And who can forget Sadie (Antonia Thomas who played Alisha in E4's Misfits), waggish with a nice job, a hot boyfriend, and a Gucci bag who thinks her life will really take off since she got engaged in Pizza Express.
As the residents of Stanley Park go about their everyday lives, Harry “the hottie” winks at Debbie as she walks home and sets in motion a chain of events that will change everything and everyone in the street forever...
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Catch the first episode of Stanley Park online before it airs on BBC Three 10 Jun 2010 at 21:00