Based on an enchanting and heartwarming true story about the unbreakable bond between a dog and its master, the film opens with University professor Parker Wilson (Richard Gere) finding a lost puppy (Hachi) at his local train station.
Not wanting to hand it over to the local dog pound, Parker takes it back home with him despite a ‘no dogs’ ban that has been decreed by his canine-hating wife Cate (Joan Allen).At first Parker tries to hide Hachi from his wife but not surprisingly his best efforts are in vain and Cate soon finds out. They agree that Hachi can stay with them but only until they find a permanent home for the puppy or they can trace its owner.
However, nobody comes forward to claim the dog and gradually Parker and Hachi become so inseparable that Cate cannot help but accept the mystery puppy into their family.
The two of them develop an inexplicably close friendship and every morning Hachi accompanies Parker to the train station and then faithfully returns to greet his master every evening in exactly the same place and at exactly the same time.
Through his daily trips to the station, Hachi becomes a regular fixture of the neighbourhood and a symbol of love, friendship and unyielding loyalty to everyone who meets him. His faithful devotion to his master exposes the great power of love and how this simplest of acts can become the grandest gesture of all.
‘Hachi – A Dog’s Tale’ has a run time of approx 89 minutes and a ‘U’ certificate.
Rental DVD EDR 4218 n/a
Retail DVD EDV 9682 £19.99
Blu-ray EBR 5167 £24.99
- Making of ‘Hachi - A Dog’s Tale’
- Trailer