LEGO Fan Recreates Nation’s Favourite Movie Moments
from the Iconic Bricks
With anticipation surrounding the annual Oscars ceremony hotting up, a 17 year old ‘A Level’ student and avid LEGO fan, has recreated the top ten movie moments of all time using the iconic bricks and popular minifigures. And, the results show that we are a nostalgic nation with eight out of ten of the scenes being from pre 90s movies and most recent from 1997!
Topping the poll was the moment everyone’s favourite extra-terrestrial, E.T., rides the bicycle away in to night sky, with more than one in ten claiming it was their favourite movie scene of all time. Coming a close second and third, was Hollywood starlet, Marilyn Monroe, standing above the subway in The Seven Year Itch and Gene Kelly singing in the rain, making up near to 20% of the vote. Julie Andrews singing The Hills are Alive in The Sound of Music was fourth favourite followed by ill-fated lovers Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet standing on the bow of the Titanic. Bond girl Ursula Andress striding out of the sea in a bikini in Dr No was next; then the famous ‘lift’ scene at the end of Dirty Dancing; Olivia Newton John turning up in her leathers at the funfair in Grease; Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze moulding their clay pot in Ghost; and finally, the opening scene of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark when Harrison Ford is chased by the rolling boulder.
The spoof video amalgamates the top ten moments in to one film, cutting neatly from one scene to another using a series of cleverly engineered transitions. Indiana’s pot of treasure flies out of his hands and in to the scene from Ghost where it lands on Demi and Patrick’s potter’s wheel whilst after emerging from the sea in James Bond’s Dr. No, Ursula Andres swims away, only to come across Kate and Leo on board the Titanic!
Currently studying drama at the Brit School, Harry Bossert from Walton, Surrey, has been producing LEGO videos since 2007 after seeing a LEGO video on YouTube. His so called ‘brickfilms’ are a big hit on the video-sharing website and his version of Parry Gripp’s Megaphone was shown at the Santa Barbara Film Festival in California last year.
To see the video, click here
To watch other videos produced by Harry Bossert from LEGO please visit his YouTube channel at .
Top Ten Movie Moments
1. E.T. elevating the bicycle for a ride through the night sky in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial – 1982
2. Marilyn Monroe standing above the subway vent in The Seven Year Itch - 1955
3. Gene Kelly singing in the rain in Singing in the Rain – 1952
4. Julie Andrews singing The Hills are Alive in The Sound of Music – 1959
5. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet ‘I’m flying’ scene on the bow of the ship in Titanic – 1997
6. Ursula Andress coming out of the sea in a bikini in James Bond Dr No – 1962
7. ‘The lift’ scene in Dirty Dancing – 1987
8. Olivia Newton John turning up at the funfair wearing leathers in Grease – 1978
9. Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze making a clay pot together in Ghost – 1990
10. Opening scene of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark where Harrison Ford is chased by the giant rolling boulder – 1981
Survey conducted February 2012 by LEGO UK
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